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Medical Debt - Skye's the Limit Campaign - St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Medical Debt - Skye's the Limit Campaign - St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Thursday, August 1, 2024 12:00 AM - Wednesday, January 1, 2025 12:00 AM (CDT)


“The ‘Skye’s’ the Limit” Medical Debt Relief Campaign to Eliminate Existing Medical Debt in Twelve Area Counties in Texas.

Press Release for “The ‘Skye’s’ the Limit” Medical Debt Relief Campaign to Eliminate

Existing Medical Debt in Twelve Area Counties in Texas

St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Mason, TX (, an Episcopal Church in

the Northern Convocation in the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas (, is partnering

with its sister congregations of the Northern Convocation, the not-for-profit Undue Medical Debt,

and others who wish to join in alleviating the financial, as well as the emotional burden, of

unpaid medical bills. Without help, some of our neighbors will never escape the burden of

their medical debts, including those in Mason, Bandera, Blanco, Gillespie, Kendall, Kerr,

Kimble, McCulloch, Menard, Llano, San Saba, and Sutton counties, impacted by our campaign.

The parish and its partners are inviting you to support their campaign goal of $14,000 which

will alleviate existing medical debt of approximately $3 million of identified debt in these

twelve counties. To access the campaign and to donate, please visit or through the parish website at

“The effort of St. Martin's Episcopal Church to reduce medical debt began with Rob Welch,

longtime Mason resident and the founder of St. Martin's, and his wife, Karen,” says the Rev. Dr.

Tom Luck, Vicar of St. Martin's. He continues, “Rob has spent many months researching the

best way to accomplish this and he found Undue Medical Debt, a national organization that

exists solely to reduce or eliminate medical debt. Then, he was diligent in staying in

communication with Undue while they researched our particular area of Texas. With Rob's

leadership, the support of all of the people of St. Martin's, their Vicar, the Reverend Dr. Tom

Luck, the Reverend Betsy Stephenson, who is Regional Dean of the counties that get relief, and

The Rt. Rev. Dr. David G. Read, D.D., Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, this

campaign is off and running.”

Bishop Read shares, “I am gratified to see how St. Martin’s has partnered with our churches in

the Northern Convocation to walk with love in serving the community through The Skye’s the

Limit fundraiser. The impact and burden of medical debt on families can be devastating. Jesus

calls on us to help our brothers and sisters in their time of need. In Galatians 6:2 we are told to

Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. I encourage the members of our

congregations and local communities to open their hearts and serve those in need by

contributing to this worthy cause.”

"This is a doable way for us, the Church, to live out the gospel to care for people in our

communities who struggle," states the Rev. Betsy Stephenson, Priest-in-Charge at Grace

Episcopal Church in Llano and the Dean of the Northern Convocation of the Diocese.

"St. Martin's has a history of serving the people of Mason and our neighbors,” says James

Morris, Bishop's Warden at St. Martin's Episcopal Church. He continues, “Please join us in

sharing God's love for all by helping to eliminate the burden of medical debt for those that are in

need of our help."

The medical debt the campaign is addressing is only in bundled debt from many people. It does

not cover individual people who are facing new medical debts; it cannot be directed at a

particular individual’s debt; and there is no individual application process. Instead, by buying up

bundles of old medical debt, it stops the debt collectors from going after people whose debt is in

this bundle of identified debt and who can least afford to pay this debt.

Again, please consider contributing to the campaign. You may visit to learn more and to donate or

through a link at the parish website To donate to this campaign by

mail, please send a check payable to: Undue Medical Debt Address: Undue Medical Debt P. O.

Box 411675 Boston, MA 02241-1675 Memo Line: St. Martin’s Episcopal Church — 62950


Thursday, August 1, 2024 12:00 AM - Wednesday, January 1, 2025 12:00 AM (CDT)
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